How to be happy when you not feel like to be happy.

How to be happy when you not feel like to be happy.

From the day we are born, we develop our dreams and ideas. We are eager to live a happy life and try to focus on it. There is no human born into this world with a desire not to be happy. So why is there so much sadness in world? Why do people struggle to be happy? How can we live happier lives, even in times of trouble? To understand more clearly how to be happy, we also need to realize why we are becoming unhappy and how we can avoid it.


What makes people happy?

Recieving love and support from others

If you think about it, I am sure you have many friends. Friends who are there to support you, hold you and protect you. Never give up on your friends. It is not an act of a looser to embrace the support of your friends. Ask your friends for help anytime you feel you need it. It is the best way to find your true friends by the way they stick around you whille you are going throught a rough time.


Giving love and support to others

You will feel happier once you start to listen to your friends and your family. The power of giving your self and your time to people you like is uplifting. Support your friends in what they are trying to achieve and you will feel very useful and needed. Take your time to understand the needs of your friends and make them feel you are there for them.


Recieve and give love to ourself/ basicly love ourself.

Noone will ever believe in you if you do not believe in yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to love and believe in ourselves. Sometimes we need to stop and look at yourself with your eyes open. We all are unique, we all are perfect, and we all can change the world. Do not ever think you have no such ability. If we start to love and respect ourselves then other people will feel more comfortable around us. Make the change today and start loving yourself for who you are.


Have a close relationship/ friendship with someone

Having someone important in our life is always good. Someone important to talk to when we are down or when we need to talk about more personal things. Someone important to lay our head on when we need to rest or just need to feel we are not alone. Close friends are like sparkling water refreshing our mind. Close friends are people who will never leave us.


Believe in good things

What does this mean? There is always something positive even in negative things. Thinking positively about people, places and nature can help us to believe in good things. Assure yourself everyday that everything is gonna be alright.


Finding purpose of life.

We all seek for a purpose in life. Have you ever thought what yours could be? Some people get married, raise children, and (for them) it’s the purpose of their life. Others might work on their career and feel that is the reason that they are living. Soldiers who give their precious life for us to live safe do it for their country and (most likely) that service is their purpose in life.


Make efforts to be happy

Making efforts requires our personal conviction and action. You cannot be happy without working to obtain it. Every single day when you wake up, tell to yourself “I am happy and I want to stay happy”. Nothing will make you happy unless you want it and work on it.


Every living creature wants to be happy but not everyone understands that happiness comes from you. If you want to enjoy your life and be happy, you have to find reasons for being happy.

Top 10 tips to keep us happy

1/ Smile

A smile is the most amazing gift you can give and share. Keep smiling as much as you can, it will boost your mood and people will love being around you. A smile will also make you more approachable and you might gain new friends or experiences. Remember that a smile has the power to destroy every negative emotion. When you smile, you rock!

2/ Run, Run, Run

Enjoy the power of movement! Instead of sitting at home all the time, get out and run. Running boosts up your body with fresh energy. As you run, you are not only working on your positive attitude but also on your body. Surely, you will feel much better about yourself. You do not like running? There are other things you might be interested in instead.

- get a membership in a local Gym

- attend dance classes

- explore the joys of yoga, pilates, jogging

3/ Family

Family should be the most closest support for all of us. Spending time with your family and relatives will always make us happy. If you are married, your partner should be the source of your joy, along with your children and pets. Family is a unique bond that makes us all feel complete and happy.

4/ Spend time with friends

Being with your friends will keep you happy. You must be a good listener and soul healer. Recognize when your friend has a problem and offer comforting helpful advice. Doesn’t it feel refreshing that you have the ability to make others happy? The best ideas for spending your time with friends are...


- having a dinner together

- have a party at home or in a club

- bowling is a great way to hang out

- go on a road trip together

- vacation together


5/ Enjoy events in your area.

Are you living in a town with many attractions? Do you live in a countryside close to a city? Why don’t you let yourself enjoy the night life? I am sure there are many great events in your area that you may attend and feel happy about.


- go to the theatre, cinema, concert

- enjoy events at the town library

- plan to attend festivals


6/ Set up small goals

There is nothing better to make you happy then setting up a small goal. Think of all the things you wanna do but have not had the opportunity. Plan ahead by making those activities your goals to achieve. It can be pretty much anything and here are some examples.

- read a nice book

- work on your garden

7/ Explore your spirituality

Keeping focus on spiritual things can always help to make you feel better. Do you believe in God? Do you like to read the Bible or biblical stories? Do you like Tarrot or working with angels? The choices are endless. Walk to the nearest church and absorb the spirit . Look at the paintings and architecture. Your heart will be uplifted and you will feel happier.

8/ Redecorate your home

Changing and reorganize our home can be very benefitial. New bright colours or new furniture will make a great difference. Use warm spring colours to lighten up your home. Buy some candles. A simple exchange of pillow covers can make a huge difference. Design your home the way you always wanted it to look. Be creative, be smart and unique. You know you can do it.


9/ Relax

Everyone needs to stop sometime to catch a breath and relax your stressed mind. We all need to spend time looking after for ourself. Dedicate one day of each week just for yourself and only do what pleases you on that day. Here are some tips....

- visit a cosmetic centre

- paint a picture

- reorganize your photographs and sort them into specific albums.

10/Treat yourself

When was the last time you bought something nice? It does not always have to be Gucci or Georgo Armani to make you feel better and happy. Perfume or a handbag are great choices to make your day :-) You deserve to be happy; and the good thing about shopping is the fact that you only get what you want.

Life is too short!

Life is too short to be lived in sadness. Try to enjoy every minute of your life. Remember with a happy smile things do not seem so foggy and creepy. Being happy is not science fiction, being happy is a process of self-control. Make the first move and BE HAPPY!